Saturday 21 February 2015

Minecraft Tips and Tricks

Minecraft Tips and Tricks

minecraft download and tips
If you’re really getting into Minecraft and finding some aspects of the game a little too difficult, we’ve put together several tips and tricks to help you out whether you’re just getting started, or you’re many hours in.

1) Redstone and minecarts.

Powered minecart tracks are a godsend for anyone looking to get in and out of deep mining areas quickly. Able to go up and downhill at considerable speed, they also enable you to send materials back up to the surface using a storage minecart, with a powered minecart to assist in pushing it back towards the surface – or even down below! When you start thinking about underground rail networks, then it gets really exciting.

2) Creative mode.

If you love mining and building but don’t want to suffer the risk of dying and losing a journey or some great items, why not play in creative mode? Think of it as partypoker with play money – all of the fun and none of the risk that may indeed make it more enjoyable, but means you can test things out and use whatever works. Of course, the inventory isn’t the same, which may be a problem, but item mods can circumvent this by giving you access to everything you need without taking away the survival mode aspects you enjoy so much.

3) Level up, enchant, repeat!

Seriously, if you want to survive – and I mean kicking butt and taking names – then you need to level up with experience orbs, make an enchanting table, and start boosting the quality of your gear. Being able to dish out more damage or give yourself other buffs is a major boon to your Minecraft experience, if combat is proving somewhat hard for you.

4) Near death from mobs? Reset!

We don’t mean quit and reload – we mean head into the options menu, set the game to peaceful, come out, and there’s no mobs! Then turn it back on again and they’ll start spawning once more. It’s a good workaround, and have no fear – there’s no shame in simply wanting to play minus combat, so peaceful is viable – just remember that certain items (i.e. bonemeal) will not be available to you. If you want to risk them spawning but want to avoid the combat, then google “mob spawner” and make one of those!

Good luck, people, and enjoy your time with Minecraft!


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